Portuguese Knitting Classes
Portuguse Knitting Workshop
Learn how to knit Portuguese style.
Do you want to give your hands a rest from tensioning the yarn? Then why don’t you learn to knit in Portuguese style?
Portuguese knitting is an especially unique knitting hold because the tension of the yarn is not held in the hands at all. Instead, Portuguese knitters wrap the yarn around the back of their necksor use a knitting pin. The reason so many knitters like this style is that it frees up the fingers for speed. In every other knitting style, the tension is held in the hands; this gives your hands two jobs to do at the same time - holding the yarn and working the stitches with the needles.
Whenthe tension is held around the neck/pin, there's one less thing you have to worry about when making your stitches. This style is also great for helping knitting pain because so much of thestress in the hands comes from holding the yarn.
Portuguese knitting is used in many different countries around the world but it’s found that it originates from the Arabic areas. I’ve learned to knit this way in Bulgaria from my loving grand-mother which I loved very much and I miss her every day, but this style is well known in Greece,Turkey, South America, and other countries also.
➢ Bring a small ball of yarn (min 20g) in solid or semi-solid colour and needles in size
recommended for your yarn of choice;
➢ At the end of this workshop you’ll know how to knit and purl. Some other stitches may be shown.
Pre-requirements: This workshop is designed for people who know how to knit and purl.
Duration: 2 hours, one session.
Workshop is limited to 4 students (min of 2 students) and it takes place in Cosy Yarns & Gifts Studio.